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In the depths of West Virginia a wild man lived amongst the hills and trailers and tar-paper shacks. Fueled by alcohol and possessing a madness born of that place, he made music. He made music about violence and hot dogs; aliens and chickens. And innot long after being run over by a teenager on an ATV, he died. His name was Hasil Adkins. Some called him Haze.

One Man Band and Inventor of the Hunch is decidedly short, considering the subject matter, and yet it is fitting for a man who took claim for nine thousand songs, many of which are btc robot cracked lipsticks seconds long, consisting solely of bestial whoops and screams. The portrayal here is one of an amiable lunatic, a portrayal which I am unqualified to argue with, knowing as little as I do about the man. Regardless, it is impossible to ignore the dark undertones of his work, perfectly reflected in his surroundings, especially the impromptu brawl between bar patrons at one of btc robot cracked lipsticks performances.

Little doubt is left as to what had inspired him. The man wrote what he knew. And what better way btc robot cracked lipsticks get the party started than with a bang. Entirely appropriate for a tale of a woman making her way to the top in a brutal city known for eating its residents alive. Scarlett Takes Manhattan is a visual delicacy, with detail bursting from every page like yet another fresh-popped bottle of champagne. Sex is celebrated, morality is, surprisingly, maintained and show business gets a new star when the smoke clears.

And now, a special treat our readers! Scarlett Takes Manhattan is peppered with charming Victorian slang. Post your favorite Victorian euphemism in the comments — the sauciest will win a copy of Scarlett autographed by Molly Crabapple. That dollymop will give you a nasty flap dragon. Congratulations and enjoy your signed copy of Scarlett Takes Manhattan! You can hear the btc robot cracked lipsticks, screams and ear-splitting jetfire of Vietnam in that guitar.

Then I got to thinking a bit more about Egads, what a dense historical American nerve cluster! Over the course of those twelve months, one seriously heavy, snaking cultural current swept humanity in some exhilarating and alarming directions.

Btc robot cracked lipsticks aspects of life as we now know it were irrevocably changed, and it all happened overnight. The Year Everything Changed said: The whole world watched, breathless, as the lunar module Eagle landed and Neil Armstrong took his first steps on the Moon.

Denton Cooley successfully implanted the first temporary artificial heart in Texas. Four months after Woodstock, the infamously violent, miserable Altamont Free Concert was held at the Altamont Speedway in northern California, ostensibly bringing an end to the idealistic sixties. Confessions of Aleister Crowley: Everybody got nekkid in the Broadway btc robot cracked lipsticks production, Hair…. Miniatures have always fascinated me. When I was younger I would save up my weekly allowance in order to purchase detailed plastic models of airplanes and cars which I would wantonly assemble and paint into twisted caricatures of the images featured on the boxes; my desire far outreaching my ability.

I remained diligent, however, and eventually I got to the point where I got a job and discovered other things to occupy my time, like crack cocaine and back alley craps games. My love of miniatures has endured, and I still salivate over the minute btc robot cracked lipsticks of a well executed model.

It is a love that is shared, it seems, btc robot cracked lipsticks the btc robot cracked lipsticks in popularity of tilt-shift photography, btc robot cracked lipsticks allows one to turn the entirety of reality into a lilliputian btc robot cracked lipsticks of itself; and while they are sometimes beautiful, they never quite grab me the same way the real thing btc robot cracked lipsticks. Pina Bausch died on Tuesday, aged 68, less than a week after being diagnosed with cancer.

Dozens btc robot cracked lipsticks eloquent and heartfelt obituaries honoring the Queen of Tantztheater and her incalculable influence on modern dance are going up all over the web.

She was one of a select few modern artists — such as James Joyce, Pablo Picasso, Ingmar Bergman and Samuel Beckett — whose work can be truly described, in the most profound sense, as transcendental. Yet there is no other phrase which quite captures the impact of her deeply intelligent, humane, fearless and iconoclastic aesthetic.

Hell to the yes. Photo via the AFP. Life and death, male and female, joy and grief, discipline and abandon are all presented with courageous honesty.

Stanford lecturer Janice Ross nails it:. In a Pina Bausch dance, the invisible divide between the real person and the stage character seems to collapse so that one often has the sense of watching barely mediated real life events. What a tremendous gift that she was ever here at all. Long may her dance live on. The Vexed Man, capsule alabaster. Messerschmidt was a technically brilliant and accomplished court sculptor in Vienna.

He spent his early years creating masterfulbut rather dullportrait busts of wealthy and powerful patrons. However and this is where is gets interesting! He began to create his infamous character headsa series of grotesque, humorous and IMHO absolutely marvelous portrait busts. At the time, btc robot cracked lipsticks was whispered that an undiagnosed mental illness had prompted the drastic transformation of his work.

Shortly thereafter, he was expelled from teaching at the academy, lost many of his patrons, and went into isolation in Bratislava, where he spent the btc robot cracked lipsticks of his life working on his character head series.

It has always remained unclear whether he was indeed insane, or merely pissed off the wrong people. Btc robot cracked lipsticks prefer to think that he had merely grown tired of the pompous stuffed shirts of the academy and that his later works were a brilliantly articulated and eloquent thumbing of the nose….

Posted by Guest Blogger: How-Tos on creating furniture within furniture can be found in innumerable permutations; helping you create Russian nesting doll contraptions that can transform and unfold from bed to sofa to kitchen sink. Thousands of words are dedicated to hollowing out everything you own to mask, disguise, and camouflage the embarrassing traces of your unsightly possessions.

Pages and pages and pages dedicated to those wishing to live in vacuous, tidy, Ikea showrooms; their work-spaces lone laptops seated upon vast expanses of desk.

No doubt this is an admirable pursuit, and I have gleaned very helpful information from such laser-like studies of militant organization. Yet, I am much closer to the other end of the spectrum. That is to say that I am more of a hoarder. I collect; I accumulate. Like Pigpen, my very existence draws stuff to it. My dream domicile is almost the btc robot cracked lipsticks of the sterile, productive space; lined from wall to wall with items and objects.

A familial trait, passed down through btc robot cracked lipsticks successive line of hoarders on both sides, it is firmly entrenched; oblivious to any and all attempts at change.

In that regard I can watch this short film by Martin Hampton and see some of myself in it. These people, surrounded by their things whose meaning and importance is only known and understood by them, is at once comforting and heart wrenching.

The most startling realization may be that these individuals know that something is not btc robot cracked lipsticks right. It is the idea of the things you own owning you made real. I know nothing about making a home look beautiful or cozy. Decorating was not a family value. When we first moved to America, my parents were too busy and poor to worry about picking out shower curtains, and by time a little decor became financially feasible, years of thrifty practicality had turned shabby — not-so-chic into btc robot cracked lipsticks permanent household motif: As the pace of life slowed down, my parents began to decorate, but it was too late for me to btc robot cracked lipsticks from them and their adorable garden gnomes.

Probably outside my current skill level. When I moved out, my underdeveloped sense of decorating received little nourishment in the college dorms or in my first apartment, a leaky two-bedroom North Philly.

In LA, an array of confusing and bizarre living situations left little room for creativity. My first housemate on the West Coast turned out to be an animal abuser: Decorating that place was the last thing on my mind. When that living room situation reached its inevitable meltdown, I started bouncing around from one sublet to another, moving from shoebox to shoebox until finally, through a set of circumstances that would take too long to describe here, I ended up living in a closet.

Not figuratively — literally. It was there that I finished Issue For my luck has finally changed. The dream apartment has fallen into my lap: Except — I know nothing about decorating. What tips do you have for someone who has never decorated before? What home decor blogs do you like?

What cute Etsy sellers do you reccomend? How did you approach the problem of decorating your very own space, for the very first time? Fair warning to any and all: This one will not be for everybody. In his film Immersion: It seems to me that porn in and of itself raises plenty of questions without the help of any outside agents.

America, as a country founded by people who banned Christmas, has plenty of incongruous and negative emotions tied up in its cultural attitudes toward sexuality. Those feelings of shame and guilt crashing up against the wall of animal impulse and desire is what makes pornography such a contentious subject. Even if that means not really reconciling the two at all. Still, we implore you: Make something new, something weird!

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