Brute force bitcoin brain wallets

And if you had access to high-end scrypt-computing hardware, you're probably better off Max Krohn 2. Is this brainwallet approach safe enough?

Appending numbers doesn't open you up to any particular vulnerability, but using any human derived private key is an extremely poor idea. Markov chains are extraordinarily good at attacking passphrases, which is counter intuitive when most people assume an exhaustive search character by character. Someone else already mentioned entropy. Humans are really bad at creating randomness. But that's only one part of it.

The other part is time, and how it's on the attacker's side. An attacker can generate a lot of brainwallets with a lot of different words and phrases. Then they watch the blockchain to see if any of those addresses receive coins. Jonathan 1 3. How does one create a brain wallet from a seed using SHA? A bitcoin generator can generate an address. Very interesting presentation on this topic, about cracking bitcoin brainwallets: Can ASIC miners easily be used to guess brainwallet passphrases?

What follows is an educated guess, not certain statements, and is based on Electrum's brainwallet phrases just figured it'd be a good example , not other schemes or human-generated ones. No, a miner can't easily be tricked into doing it e. This is because ordinary What if the brain wallet is just a memorable private key itself?

A series of random words not a sentence! There are no warnings given on the site about the safety of this. How secure are brain wallets? As secure as you make them, in my opinion. Let's say you use all 92 characters in your password, and it's 30 letters long. It would take more energy than can possibly be produced on earth to brute force it.

If anything, then the contest just proved that brainwallets is more secure than one would think. After a few hours the "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" address was "cracked", after two weeks the rest wasn't cracked. The author of the contest linjaaho gave A LOT of hints, but even though that, it took around two days for the rest of the addresses to be cracked Nicolai 1, 11 How are brain wallets generated?

So yes, you can just use SHA passphrase to generate a private key. What are the chances of a typo while trying to enter your password, just to generate the private key? My suggestion, if you wish to use a secure enough password, is first to make sure you are not largely using actual words or phrases. Certainly, use information only you know, organized in a way only you could How to generate recovery phrase from private key. Firstly, it is highly recommended not to use a brainwallet, your coins will be stolen.

But in general, if you have a private key, there is no way to obtain the 12 word recovery phrase from it. That is because the 12 word phrase is used as a seed to generate a hierarchical deterministic master extended private key, as described in BIP 39 and BIP 32 and this There are roughly , words in the english dictionary according to this link.

However 64 bits of security is generally considered weak these days. Bitcoin uses bit keys 1. We made a much improved version of brainwallet that uses scrypt key-stretching to protect your secret key. There's currently an unbroken 20BTC challenge for an 8-letter passphrase. Compressed or uncompressed for brainwallet? Sending bitcoin to one address will not be accessible by the other, as they are technically independent.

John Henry 1, 8 Would this wallet backup system work? In a way, this is how deterministic wallets work: All keys and addresses are derived from a secret pass phrase. The "wallet" in this case is the description of the algorithm, which is "stored" publicly. Thilo 2, 2 20 If it is easy to remember, it is almost certainly easy to guess. And by guess, I don't mean a single person trying a few sentences in some time.

I mean exposing yourself to a brute force attack by the entire world the block chain data is public , for eternity. Is there a way to generate a brain wallet from the command line or console?

BIP38 or Brain wallet? When blockparser performs the parsing, it creates and keeps the index in RAM which means with the current size of the blockchain you need enough RAM to be able to parse it in reasonable amount of time. The tool can perform various task but for this exercise we are interested in the allBalances command.

To perform the parsing, I used a system with 64 GB ram and the process was smooth. I tried it on a system with 32Gb and stopped it due to the heavy swapping that was happening.

The allBalances produced a 30Gb text file. The image below exemplifies these steps. Third step is to extract the hash addresses from the allBalances. We are interested in the hash because this field contains the representation of the Bitcoin public key. Below you can see the output of allBalances.

Forth step, we create a bloom filter with the tool hex2blf which is part of the brainflayer toolkit. We also need to create a binary file containing all the hashes sorted in order to be used with the bloom filter. This will reduce the false positives. Fifth step, we launch brainflayer using our favorite dictionary against the bloom filter file we generated in the previous step. If there is a match you will see the password or passphrase and the corresponding hash.

In the output of cracked password you could see C or U in the second column. This is to indicate if the key is Compressed or Uncompressed. In the below image you can see these steps. Sixth step and last step is to create the Elyptic Curve key pair using the known password or passphrase. This can be done using the tool Addressgen created by sarchar. This utility will allow you to generate the ECDSA key pair which can be used to take over the wallet.

Financial gain is a significant incentive to have people performing all kinds of activities in order to attempt to steal your coins. If you are interested in attacks against the Blockchain I would suggest looking at the different papers created by the professor Dr. Nicolas Courtois and available on his website. On a different note, there are other researchers that are brute forcing the entire bitcoin private key keyspace in order to find private keys for addresses that have funds.

There is one project that has the code name Large Bitcoin Collider which is a distributed effort with a pool where people can contribute computing power. The thread on Bitcointalk forum is quite interesting and the author has the following aim for this project: Right now, the math says the danger is negligible. The author also writes that the project is a derivative of brainflayer and supervanitygen. Moreover, brainflayer can also perform brute force attack, sequentially against the entire private key space.

Hey, thaks for your documentation. It helps me to rework my scripts. Blockchain says that they have all had received BTC but the actually balance are 0 most of it. Is there a tool which can check the ckeckes hash for actual balance. Maybe you can halp me, it would be fine. I would think you could create a script that uses the API: You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Count Upon Security Increase security awareness. Promote, reinforce and learn security skills. So, how do you perform such attack? This is done in 6 steps: Parse the Blockchain by running Blockparser and get allBalances. Run BrainFlayer with your favorite dictionary.