Blockchain database corrupted dealership

The ad has even prompted some media outlets to pile on that the stolen eBay data is now for sale. But a cursory examination of the information suggests that it blockchain database corrupted dealership almost certainly little more than a bid to separate the unwary from their funds. There is a surprisingly simple method for determining the validity of these types of offers.

Most Web-based businesses allow one user or customer account per email address, and eBay is no exception here. I took a random sampling of five email addresses from the 12, users in that file, and tried registering new accounts with them. Success on all five. Nixon did the same, and came away with identical results. That offer also turned out to be fake.

Nixon posits that the main target of these fake leak scammers are probably security companies eager enough to verify the data that they might just buy it to find out. Interestingly, I did have one security company approach me today about the feasibility of purchasing the data, although I managed to talk them out of it. This entry was blockchain database corrupted dealership on Thursday, May 22nd, at 6: You can follow any comments to this entry through the RSS 2.

Both comments and pings are currently closed. You would be percent correct with your statement that Ebay. Furthermore, Ebay will not allow that same primary email to be used as a back up password recovery address to another ebay.

I saw a new item in the local news about a supposedly historic first, where someone claimed they bought a house blockchain database corrupted dealership bit coins. You do realize that the dollar is backed by nothing? The only reason that piece of paper you have holds any value is because the blockchain database corrupted dealership says so. The same concept could very well happen to our dollar. When you allow others to hold your Bitcoin, that is when risk is introduced.

If a user changes his password at his or her investment site, he or she will need to change it on FutureAdvisor as well. I hope it works better than it used to. How did eBay fail to notice a data breach affecting million customers for three whole months? Thanks for the update on the breach Mr. Krebs, I was looking for some valid info and you come through once again. Tips for creating a strong password. My security industry credentials are available here: But I thought it is over 1k.

Also I looked at the date, the paste has been created when the hack appeared in media. Presumably, the target market for this sort of scam are other criminals. Hard to see why anyone else, aside blockchain database corrupted dealership perhaps a company looking to blockchain database corrupted dealership research with Bitcoins to spare, would be interested. These secondary scammers could be killing the market for the real dataset. I saw this technique used in a different way in the case of the guy who posted a video from a dash cam in his car as it was being serviced at a Chevrolet dealership.

He posted the misdeeds blockchain database corrupted dealership the dealership on YouTube. The dealership sued the customer and they forced YouTube to delete the video. Then the dealership shot their own videos promoting their business and employes and posted them to YouTube with the same keywords as the original detrimental video. Blockchain database corrupted dealership it has been shown that cracking passwords is not that hard and quite easily as many use familiar Dates, Times, Names, Places, Pets, etc.

Once you get passed that, then you move on to see if the same was used on the victims other accounts and so on. I would be very interested in reading what you have to report on the cyberwar between the US and China. How bad is it? How good are they? If you pay and get nothing make sure you have a way to cancel payment. Sell chewed up pencils.

While Bitcoin is a nice academic design, it is fundamentally broken in practice. There are loads of powerful groupsnwho can readily do this. The implication is that all your Bitcoins might overnight become worthless. There is nothing that can be done about this attack, by design of Bitcoin — that is why it is a fundamental flaw. It is shocking that most Bitcoin users do not understand this. What is broken is the monopoly, it would appear. The truth is first blockchain database corrupted dealership, then violently opposed and third it is accepted as fact.

There is not one group with power to match this let alone many. Amateur, you are wrong. There would be no recourse for anyone. At present, Bitcoin is too insignificant and at constant risk of self-imploding for such organizations to step in, but rest assured they can at any time if they want to.

On a related note, what gives you the confidence that a majority of the current group of miners will keep acting honest or will not be compromised? There are only blockchain database corrupted dealership handful of them that control and lease all of the current mining power.

One of the complications is that blockchain database corrupted dealership need to be able to trust the time; otherwise the opponent blockchain database corrupted dealership manipulate the network time protocol to say that the date is now AD and bring about general file deletion.

Does this bring the Network Time Protocol and thus the Global Positioning System and thus the US Department of Defense within the security perimeter, or do we create our own secure time service? The mechanics of such a service have been discussed in other contexts, but there is as yet no really secure clock on the Internet. If you want to send fake currency for fake ID files go at it. It seems like a waste of time.

Over the last few weeks Symantec has seen a significant spike in NTP reflection attacks accross the Internet. NTP is the Network Time Protocol, it is a relatively obscure protocol that runs over port UDP and is used to sync time between machines on a network.

IOW it is low quality metadata. The routers are out of date and insecure too. Auctions help spread out of date gear and then there are security troubles. She got me a watch chain and I got her combs.

She sold her hair though. I sold my watch! At least this con is targeting would-be crooks. Brian, Thanks for your hard work. That question kind of answers itself, IMHO. So now the dollar is going into negative status. Compromised customer blockchain database corrupted dealership is worthless. Gold was cheap and people were of high value. Metal is expensive and people are cheap. Ebay broke and so is the health care system.

The historical account of Oak Island, Nova Blockchain database corrupted dealership, given here is true; that is, as true as any history of events covering more than years. It is a disappointing story, since it has no ending or real beginning. Most tales of this sort are founded on blockchain database corrupted dealership ancient map or legend which point to some part of the world as the hiding place of great riches. Usually the man who buried the treasure, and the date of its internment, are well known, but the exact location of the cache is obscure.

Yet the reverse is true of Oak Island. The particular spot where its treasure was buried has been fixed, within a few yards, since the late Eighteenth Century. No scrap of concrete evidence exists to connect it with any person or any age, and the character of the treasure is equally uncertain.

We can only depend on a knowledge of human nature to be sure that it is something of enormous value. Blockchain database corrupted dealership satisfactory explanation of the origin of the earthworks has ever been given. The Mahone Bay area, in which Oak is located, was well settled by the Acadians before We must necessarily select some date prior to that as the date of its burial, since the labor connected with the excavation could have been kept secret only when the Bay was uninhabited.

If you send somebody treasure they will send you all this location and other data. Trying to make data mining pay? Keep a worm on your end of the line and we have lots more end blockchain database corrupted dealership the line for you as the Wolfman used to say.

That number has a far to unbalanced distribution of numbers and is in itself a bit suspicious. Follow me on Twitter. Join me on Facebook. Krebs on Security In-depth security news and investigation. May 22, at 7: May 22, at May 25, at May 27, at 1: