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Or at least set it back a few years. The feeling in the local Tokyo entrepreneurial and Bitcoin community was that the Mt. Gox team was well-intentioned, but incompetent to the point of gross negligence. What is in the leaked deck on Scribd describing a crisis management strategy matches what they were told.
I thought I was going to black out. Gox the new version of Friendster, the early social networking leader that buckled just before Facebook surged ahead? They are no less libertarian or wolf-like.
They are the establishment. Barry Silbert, a high-profile Bitcoin angel investor who built SecondMarket into a formidable marketplace for shares in privately-held and pre-IPO companies, is preparing his own Bitcoin exchange for launch. We may see companies operating without money transmitter licenses facing more scrutiny. Archived from the original on Archived from the original on 5 October Retrieved 29 July Retrieved 27 January The Wall Street Journal.
History Economics Legal status. List of bitcoin companies List of bitcoin organizations List of people in blockchain technology. Retrieved from " https: Bitcoin exchanges Cryptocurrencies Bitcoin companies establishments in New York state Companies established in Companies based in New York City disestablishments in New York state Companies disestablished in Views Read Edit View history.
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