After the world trade center attack by george w bush

Reaction Meanwhile, people turned to their faith to help them make sense of the attacks. NATO eventually sent five airplanes to help keep an eye on American airspace. Start your free trial today.

Five hundred furious people mobbed a Chicago-area mosque and refused to leave until they were forced out by police. Millions more watched the unrelenting news coverage of the attacks, looked at the wrenching photographs in the newspaper and listened to heartbreaking interviews with firefighters, survivors and relatives of victims, feeling that, at least in after the world trade center attack by george w bush small way, the trauma of the day was theirs too. Memorials, commemorative ceremonies and time have helped many to begin to heal, but for others the shock and horror of that day in September remains painfully fresh.

You can opt out at any time. According to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine, nearly half of all Americans reported symptoms of stress and depression after the attacks. Many thousands of Americans lost loved ones on September Cities and countries commemorated the attacks in a variety of ways:

Cities and countries commemorated the attacks in a variety of ways: Meanwhile, people turned to their faith to help them make sense of the attacks. They donated money and goods to the Red Cross and other rescue and relief organizations.

Meanwhile, people turned to their faith to help them make sense of the attacks. This statement of solidarity was mostly symbolic—NATO did not authorize any specific military action—but it was still unprecedented. Reaction Meanwhile, people turned to their faith to help them make sense of the attacks.

They held candlelight vigils. Once you click on the link, you will be added to our list. Despite such anti-terrorist measures, many Americans continued to feel uneasy. Reaction Meanwhile, people turned to their faith to help them make sense of the attacks. Congressional leaders responded too:

Congressional leaders responded too: This statement of solidarity was mostly symbolic—NATO did not authorize any specific military action—but it was still unprecedented. In the end, almost 30 nations pledged military support to the United States, and many more offered other kinds of cooperation. A Pakistani grocer was murdered in Texas. According to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine, nearly half of all Americans reported symptoms of stress and depression after the attacks.

Others pinned it to their lapels or wore it on t-shirts. They held candlelight vigils. Article Videos Speeches Shop. You will soon receive an email with a direct link to your profile, where you can update your preferences.

Play video Heather Ross Ogle 5min. Reaction Meanwhile, people turned to their faith to help them make sense of the attacks. But most people, even those who believed that the United States was partially or entirely responsible for its own misfortune, still expressed sorrow and anger at the deaths of innocent people. Once you click on the link, you will be added to our list.

Others pinned it to their lapels or wore it on t-shirts. Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present. But public reaction was mixed. If you completed your subscription and still have not received an email, please contact us.