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If I want to spend 0. One UTXO has become two What is the numerical definition of a Satoshi relative to a BTC? In previous definitions of a Satoshi, I only saw the decimal place in front of the 0's and the 1. If however you also put the 0's behind Is there any discussion on this issue? Sungpil Han 65 In that scenario we have a problem, bitcoin What's the best way to get rid of 1 satoshi dust?

I recently noticed an old address of mine had 1 satoshi sent to it in some dust spam transaction. The thought of this satoshi bloating the UTXO set for everyone bothers me. I'd like to "destroy" it, Daniel McNally 38 6. Can an altcoin be worth less than 1 satoshi 0. I have a friend who thinks 1 bitcoin equals usd 259 it's safe to invest in any altcoin that approaches 1 satoshi 0.

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It is stated you must specify the bitcoin you want to send in units of Satoshi. Mine 1 5 Did Satoshi ever acknowledge that his name was a pseudonym? I am curious 1 bitcoin equals usd 259 Satoshi publicly 1 bitcoin equals usd 259 that he was concealing his real name, or if he actually claimed that was his real name.

Like the title says, did Satoshi ever publicly acknowledge that What are the chances that Nick Szabo is Satoshi? Does his interest in Ethereum make it more or less likely it is him? This article seems to support the suggestion: The man everyone thinks is the creator of bitcoin Did Satoshi transfer several bitcoin domains before disappearing?

Wikipedia Satoshi's page says that: Nakamoto continued to collaborate with other developers on the bitcoin software until mid Around this time, 1 bitcoin equals usd 259 handed over control of the source code How can I send thousands of small amounts 10' sat. I want to make a faucet. But my 1 bitcoin equals usd 259 is that I don't know how I can make my payouts. I would have a lot of little amounts like 10' satoshis to pay. Is there an efficient way of doing thousands Where can I find the Bitcoin white paper in plain text markdown format?

Is there a place where I can find the Bitcoin whitepaper by satoshi in plain text markdown format? Stack Overflow for Teams is Now Available. Bitcoin Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled.

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