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The extremely low noise of these cards is really nice if your rig will be located within earshot. The Sapphire HD offers the performance of the Vapor-X card without the superior acoustic qualities. The single fan would appear to be a disadvantage when compared to the top tier choices, but the performance of the card seems solid.
Anything by XFX, if you trust the general consensus of the internet mining community. At similar prices points, there is probably no reason to choose the over the X. Sounds great, until you consider the downsides: The MSI or Sapphire are good choices here. Hi there, I must say, yes wonderful Facts!!
I have a question for you and I hope you can answer this. I am more than like to pick them up for to bucks for 3 used ones. Please let me know what you think. I am trying to go under bucks for my rig when I build them. Please and thank you. I have clocked down the volts to 1.
I have even tried 1GHz core 1. I have many of these MSI cards I have found that the optimal numbers for these cards are as follows in CgMiner Engine and Memory try it. I use for TC, and use I Crypto I owe everything I know to you. You were the teacher and I have been experimentin ever since.
Would there be any negative side effects of mixing and matching some of the cards you mention? I think they will work smoothly for you. I have one coming from tigerdirect , so will let you know how it works out. What are you doing in the meantime for cards?
Im thinking the giga R9 x. The s are undervolted to I have a rig similar to yours with 2x Sapphire x and one from Powercolor. I am experiencing overheating issues with the Powercolor card although same settings like the Sapphire ones. Sapphires are always under 75 degrees while Powercolor used to stay at around 86 deg and now 90 deg with crash due to overheating.
Power consumption seems to be higher for powercolor too could be due to different voltage? I have read somewhere that Powercolor have a more simple heating system and would recommend miners to stay away from Powercolor r9 x as long as they dont live in arctic regions…. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.
Avoid Anything by XFX, if you trust the general consensus of the internet mining community. December 6, at 1: December 7, at 4: December 10, at 9: December 14, at 5: December 16, at 9: January 8, at 1: January 21, at 4: January 29, at 2: January 29, at 3: January 29, at 7: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Comment Name Email Website Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Optimization Categories Deals Guides Hardware Mining News Uncategorized Tags altcoins bbc bitcoin btc cgminer cgwatcher claymore cnet coinbase coinlab colbert DIY dwolla environment eth ethereum forbes fork guide hack hardware how-to khan academy linux litecoin ltc mcxnow mining money mtgox notroll.