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The MaketechXconference is over. More than visitors, fascinating lectures, fireside chats and interactive workshops made this an outstanding event. Certainly, we are still interested in the initiatives, projects and peoples that participated at our conference. For all who unfortunately missed the MTX13 but still are interested, we asked our speakers to give us a short overview of their actual projects.
This time, we speak with Jan Goslicki from Bitcoins Berlin. He bought his first Bitcoin in January and realized it is a pretty good thing. As an economist he recognizes that the lack of a digital world currency is a problem that must be solved.
At the moment he is responsible for the configuration jan goslicki bitcoin stock marketing and content at Bitcoins Berlin. A co-founder of Bitcoins Berlin, the chief economist who is in charge of content and marketing strategy. A Bitcoin jan goslicki bitcoin stock firm and startup incubator. We provide business solutions to forward-thinking businesses interested in accepting, investing and trading the currency.
We also develop ideas that use Bitcoin via our startup incubator. For example, our website All4Btc. Bitcoin is an open-source, peer-to-peer payment network protocol developed in that allows users to quickly exchange money worldwide with low transaction fees.
Lower fees, no chargebacks makes Bitcoin better for business and lower risk of fraud makes it better for customers. Credit cards were not designed for the Internet, and digital cash is the way of the future, allowing users without credit cards or banks to enter the online marketplace while securely and efficiently conducting business.
Since Bitcoin is a new emerging technology, many clients are very skeptical about what exactly jan goslicki bitcoin stock is and the risks that are involved, so we learned that it was of upmost importance to establish trustful relationships and clearly explain why Bitcoin is the best form of money, and why banks and credit cards are more costly and troublesome in comparison. Once you start using Bitcoin, you realize that banks and jan goslicki bitcoin stock cards are simply things of the past.
The technology started gaining major acceptance in early due to an increase in media coverage about the curious new currency, and coupled with the story that banks in Cyprus were charging depositors, the price and usage of Bitcoin exploded in April. Since the spring, many entrepreneurs including Bitcoins Berlin have eased the transition of what once was a niche technology into a practical way to trade and conduct business across the world.
This helped legitimize Bitcoin as the smartest, fastest, and cheapest way to exchange. I believe Bitcoin will become the standard for online money transactions. Leading governments including Germany, the U. We are still in the early days of the currency, and there seems to be no limit to where this exciting new technology can take us.
We'll send you updates about tech things that jan goslicki bitcoin stock. Cancel at any time. Jan Goslicki, co-founder of BitcoinsBerlin bitcoinsberlin logo. Change from user to creator jan goslicki bitcoin stock subscribe to our newsletter We'll send you updates about tech things that matter.