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Do you have an confirmations of which exchange would be best to use, should Cryptsy go out of business? And Messages don't get how staff is here to troll instead of setting my issue about phs messages could help about my negative balance ariekostef bitcoin sold blaza Support Confirmations BitJohn bitcoin Should you not be negative since you messages out cryptsy then you put in, based on their mistake?
But confirmations fact is that they were holding bitcoin a PHS deposit bitcoin. Arguably they handled them satisfactorily, but just pointing this out since its not what you said and you don't seem cryptsy be aware of them.
Cryptsy support finally contacted us yesterday afternoon. Second problem is that you hold a deposit of PHS cryptsy. If so, could you send it to me? I haven't had any problems with them this week. Crypsty looks like a disaster waiting to happen. Hi everyone, This is a diary of how cryptsy stole me and about how THEY take care of their customers and I'm not a shy trader I explained what you need to do.
Finally, the news would make headlines. Could a Cryptsy confirmations have confused two reports of the same issue? Altcoin bitcoin trading still feels like the cryptsy west. There are apps that can record all your messages by cryptsy so messages you don't have to worry about remembering to turn it confirmations every time there's something potentially important.
In order to get in contact with them, you have to search pretty hard bitcoin find a number. While this is undocumented and likely subject to unannounced changes, it is very well possible and I do so to use it in a push-API way. There is a push API? That's the feature that keeps us from using Poloniex. Cryptsy is the only site that has one. Better talk to their devs directly, so they can provide something that is not deprecated a week later but yes, I use the websoclet that fuels their website in my bot and it was a response to my support ticket that gave that idea.
Then again, I use it for my own amusement. I get disconnected roughly every 90 minutes and there are a few other querks. No problem for me but I would not rely on that with a business. If golang is of any use to you I can send you some example code to connect to the websocket so you can see if it suits your needs. I trust them as much as I can an exchange that lists any and every alt possible. The system is designed to withdraw as much money as possible into our wallets every morning, but you have to send money to the exchange to trade it, even if it is only for 24 hours.
There is no issue with holding with wallets outside of Cryptsy; the issue is that we need some place to trade. If I can't send in Krugercoins, sell them for bitcoins, use the bitcoins to buy darkcoins, and then withdraw the darkcoins, it doesn't matter how long I hold them in the exchange.
If I can't get the darkcoins out, then there is no reason to send the Krugercoins in. Why in the world would you choose mintpal or polo over bittrex? Bittrex has about x daily volume of both of those exchanges. Because bittrex doesn't give real time quotes via the API. They are cached up to 10 seconds. Also Bittrex doesn't instantly update your balances after a trade.
There is something a lag of up to 30 seconds. It sounds like you should team up with a few other similar parties and create an open source exchange abstraction layer.
Then you and those sites could code to a standard, and simply add modules to enable new exchanges. I could use something like this and can kick a little bit of funding to it, if you can take the helm and find developers. It would speed up the development of a lot of future sites and if it became popular enough, any new exchange starting up would simply write their own module to be compatible.
A Java one already exists. It is very active and works well. You should look into using and supporting them github XChange project. I like this idea. But unfortunately funding isn't the issue; we need to get the pool working as soon as possible.
While you have an awesome suggestion, wouldn't it take some time to get this up and running? I already work hours a week, and there are only so many weekends a year. I would love to do this, but people are depending on me for our primary project. You should use all of them.
The most popular point of failure in the bitcoin ecosystem is the exchanges. I do not mean that the are not run well at all but you should hedge against the failures and hiccups of one exchange by using all of them. Price feed is not working today either. They were able to look up in their system and they said that we had withdrawln 2. This help was sufficient to allow us to resolve the problem.
First, an explanation of the problem:. Cryptsy's user interface does not list a comprehensive history of all activities on their site. For example, it is only possible to view the "Last " trades.
Since our system is designed to constantly make trades, withdrawals, deposits, and other actions, everything our system executes falls off the back end of this viewable queue almost immediately. We likely have more than , trades in their system just during testing already.
The cause of the problem was determined to be that the production server correctly detected that the miner was owed Darkcoins. However, the development server, which was not scheduled to have its wallets changed until next week, and which did not have as many miners mining on it, did not show a balance for Darkcoins requested by any miner.
The development server initiated a deposit of Darkcoins to get rid of them, seeing that no miners wanted them. The production server, looking at its different database, is programmed to remove miners' coins from exchanges as soon as possible to reduce risk of exchange failure. Therefore, the servers, which used different databases, repeatedly deposited, withdrew, and traded the same darkcoins as they sought to reconcile the system to what each thought was owed the miners.
The solution to the problem is to create new wallets for the development server, which we had planned to do anyway as a security measure. We were not able to detect this because the Darkcoin actions were hidden by thousands of actions dealing with other altcoins, since only the most recent actions were viewable in Cryptsy's GUI.
As soon as Cryptsy searched their database and notified us of the multiple withdrawals, the problem became obvious. We will be telling them this in the ticket and closing it, then likely opening the pool to testers. As to the other concerns raised in this post, it does not appear that Cryptsy is insolvent or in danger of failure. This issue appears to be a result of poor customer service. This is a pretty serious issue in itself, and people can judge for themselves whether they will be able to receive the technical support they need if something goes wrong.
However, people aren't going to lose money because of bankruptcy. Someone went to their offices to point out that people were there and at work. Cryptsy did note that they had a discussion about this and other incidents. Hopefully, the CEO of Cryptsy will take a more active role in managing his customer service department in the future. In particular, Cryptsy states that they do not operate a call center, which is correct.
In order to get in contact with them, you have to search pretty hard to find a number. While facebook can get away with requiring people to use only E-Mail because not much is at stake on facebook, a company that deals with money like Cryptsy needs to have someone to call when things go wrong.
If someone were able to answer the phone to reassure people that they were still alive, then there would not have almost been a run on their exchange.
Thanks to those who were able to get this issue resolved, both from the company and the community. We're going to give them a chance, at least during the beta testing period, because they offer a push API, which is not available from other exchanges.
Im not sure some of this is accurate. If you had called the office if should have been forwarded to me. And I can assure you we dont "yell accross the office" or insult customers. If you have a ticket number we would be more than happy to help.
I cant think of any user off the top of my head that has any pending DRK withdrawals we are holding. Please respond with the ticket number and any more info you have and we would be happy to assist you.
The thread where this has been brought up is http: The ticket has been outstanding for five days with no response. After nobody replied to either the ticket or the reddit post, we attempted to call Cryptsy and were not able to get in touch with anyone. Thanks for whatever help you can provide. The withdrawals are probably not listed as pending because after the API call is made, my balance is later re-credited for the coins as if nothing ever happened.
This is a serious issue because the API returns success, and our backup accounting database halts the system as designed when our expected positive balance mismatches the daemon balance.
The problem not only needs to be fixed, but the API needs to be atomic, returning a failure when no withdrawal is processed. We have responded to your ticket. Our API expert was out of town from last tuesday until today. We only have one call that comes to mind and that customer was told the message would be given to Paul when he returned from his business trip.
I dont see any outstanding issues on your account and all recent withdrawals have gone through. If you are having any further issues our API expert would be more than happy to assist you in the ticket you filed. Thanks for the response - our employee is working with Cryptsy support right now to address this issue.