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Salesforce has reported a cracking quarter and financial year, but also revealed growth is slowing. Pressure is continuing to build on the European Patent Office EPO over its treatment of staff and continued refusal to accept crypto robot 365 cryptocurrency tradingeagawkercom results of an independent tribunal.
The German Interior ministry has confirmed that it has identified a serious attack against its servers, amidst reports that the culprits were the Russian APT28 — aka Fancy Bear — hacking group. The world's top eight DNS providers now control 59 per cent of name resolution for the biggest Websites - and that puts the Web at risk, according to a group of Harvard University researchers.
The world's largest aircraft, designed to one day fling rockets into space, has tested out its taxiing capabilities at the Mojave Air and Space Port in New Mexico. A former Google engineer is suing the US advertising giant after undergoing what she says was years of sexual harassment and retaliation from coworkers.
A group of US researchers working at a remote site in north-west Australia have identified signals from the oldest stars ever observed, born roughly million years after the Big Bang. Read more of this story at Slashdot. Customers of HTTPS certificate reseller Trustico are reeling after being told their website security certs — as many as 23, — will be rendered useless within the next 24 hours.
Analysis The Crypto robot 365 cryptocurrency tradingeagawkercom House of Representatives has overwhelmingly passed a bill aimed at tackling online sex traffickers, but which critics warn will have little effect on curbing the vile trade and could instead undermine free speech on the internet. The US state of Washington is on the verge of passing a sweeping new set of net neutrality safeguards that would apply to all carriers within its borders.
The NHS has said it will continue sharing data with the Home Office for immigration enforcement, despite MPs calling for the government to put an immediate stop to the transfer. Skip to main content. Spectre haunts Intel's SGX defense: And no, you're not supposed to be able to do that Vid The Spectre design flaws in modern CPUs can be exploited to punch holes through the walls of Intel's SGX secure environments, researchers claim.
CFO's biggest hassle is keeping up with sales commissions now that it's back in crypto robot 365 cryptocurrency tradingeagawkercom Salesforce has reported a cracking quarter and financial year, but also revealed growth is slowing. Council of Europe and trade bosses have had enough of King Battistelli Pressure is continuing to build on the European Patent Office EPO over its treatment of staff and continued refusal to accept the results of an independent tribunal. And loads up the migration canon to aim at VMware Microsoft's revealed a plan to make Ubuntu German government confirms hackers blitzkrieged its servers to steal data TheRegister - Thu, Probably-Russian Fancy Bear crypto robot 365 cryptocurrency tradingeagawkercom fingered for attack The German Interior ministry has confirmed that it has identified a serious attack against its servers, amidst reports that the culprits were the Russian APT28 — aka Fancy Bear — hacking group.
Paul Allen's six-engined monster plane prepares for space deliveries TheRegister - Thu, World's largest aircraft goes for a very gentle trundle The world's largest aircraft, designed to one day fling rockets into space, has tested out its taxiing capabilities at the Mojave Air crypto robot 365 cryptocurrency tradingeagawkercom Space Port in New Mexico. Stop us if you've heard this one: Ex-Googler sues web giant claiming terrible crypto robot 365 cryptocurrency tradingeagawkercom.
This time, sex harassment TheRegister - Thu, Allegations aren't just grim, they're Uber-bad A former Google engineer is suing the US advertising giant after undergoing what she says was years of sexual harassment and retaliation from coworkers. Deep in remote Oz, an antenna has 'heard' the oldest stars TheRegister - Thu, And they're way too loud In December, said it would assign more than 10, people to moderate content in an attempt to curb its child exploitation problem.
Today, Bloomberg reports that those new moderators mistakenly removed several videos and some channels from right-wing, pro-gun video producers and outlets in the midst of a nationwide debate on gun control. Some YouTube channels recently complained about their accounts being pulled entirely. On Wednesday, the Outline highlighted accounts, including Titus Frost, that were banned from the crypto robot 365 cryptocurrency tradingeagawkercom site.
Frost tweeted on Wednesday that a survivor of the shooting, David Hogg, is an actor. Jerome Corsi of right-wing conspiracy website Crypto robot 365 cryptocurrency tradingeagawkercom said on Tuesday that YouTube had taken down one of his videos and disabled his live stream.
Shutting entire channels would have marked a sweeping policy change for YouTube, which typically only removes channels in extreme circumstances and focuses most disciplinary action on specific videos.
But YouTube said some content was taken down by mistake. FCC levies largest ever fine: German authorities said on Wednesday they were investigating a security breach of the government's highly protected computer network.
The country's intelligence agencies were examining attacks on more than one government ministry, the interior ministry said, adding that the affected departments had been informed and that the attack had been isolated and brought under control. Earlier on Wednesday, the German news agency DPA reported that German security services had discovered a breach of the government's IT network in December and traced it back to state-sponsored Russian hackers.
German companies have been the target of sustained attacks by state-sponsored hackers, mainly believed to be Chinese. Inthe Bundestag, parliament's lower house, suffered a extensive breach, leading to the theft of several gigabytes of data by what German security officials believe were Crypto robot 365 cryptocurrency tradingeagawkercom cyberthieves.
Hackers believed to be part of the Russia-linked APT28 group sought to infiltrate the computer systems of several German political parties inGermany's domestic intelligence agency said in Trustico, DigiCert crypto robot 365 cryptocurrency tradingeagawkercom to blows as browsers prepare to snub Symantec-brand SSL Customers of HTTPS certificate reseller Trustico are reeling after being told their website security certs — as many as 23, — will be rendered useless within the next 24 hours.
Google powers up latest app it'll cancel in two years: Hangouts Chat TheRegister - Wed, Chocolate fac crack a whack at Slack pack with yak yak stack Google has moved its Crypto robot 365 cryptocurrency tradingeagawkercom rival out of beta and into general availability. It's a dog's dinner that could cripple websites Analysis The US House of Representatives has overwhelmingly passed a bill aimed at tackling online sex traffickers, but which critics warn will have little effect on curbing the vile trade and could instead undermine free speech on the internet.
Washington no, not that one to pass hardcore net neutrality law: US tech hotbed steps up with strictest traffic protections yet The US state of Washington is on the verge of passing a sweeping new crypto robot 365 cryptocurrency tradingeagawkercom of net neutrality safeguards that would apply to all carriers within its borders.
Fox News defeats search engine in copyright spat TheRegister - Wed, We report, you don't decide you can distribute, telly giant asserts in NY appeals court A US appeals court has backed Fox News in the broadcaster's copyright-infringement battle against online telly streamer TVEyes. AI will create crypto robot 365 cryptocurrency tradingeagawkercom jobs than it destroys was the not-so-subtle rebuttal from tech giants to growing concern over the impact of automation technologies on employment.
Execs from Google, IBM and Salesforce were questioned about the wider societal implications of their technologies during a panel session here at Mobile World Congress. Behshad Behzadi, who leads crypto robot 365 cryptocurrency tradingeagawkercom engineering teams working on Google's eponymously named AI voice assistant, claimed many jobs will be "complemented" by AI, with AI technologies making it "easier" for humans to carry out tasks. There's lots of jobs which will [be created which don't exist today].
Think about flight attendant jobs before there was planes and commercial flights. No one could really predict that this job will appear. So there are jobs which will be appearing of that type that are related to the AI," he said. How jobs and AI is related -- I don't think it's one company or one country which can solve it alone. It's all together we could think about this topic," he added. We also believe that there will be more jobs created," chimed in Bob Lord, IBM's chief digital officer.
An anonymous reader shares an NPR report: The admiral in charge of both the nation's top electronic spying agency and the Pentagon's cybersecurity operations would seem a logical point man for countering Russia's digital intrusions in U.
But National Security Agency and U. Cyber Command chief Adm. That is because, according to Rogers, President Trump has not ordered him to crypto robot 365 cryptocurrency tradingeagawkercom after the Russian attacks at their origin. Jack Reed of Rhode Island, the committee's ranking Democrat, asked Rogers, "Have you been directed to do so, given this strategic threat that faces the United States and the significant consequences you recognize already?
But the spy chief pushed back on suggestions that he should seek a presidential signoff. Stop slurping NHS data to enforce immigration laws? NHS Digital boss suggests public concern has caused 'lack of balanced debate' The NHS has said it will continue sharing data with the Home Office for immigration enforcement, despite MPs calling for the government to put an immediate stop to the transfer.
These will ensure liquidity and a populated orderbook at all times. It has a very clean UI and charts are optimized for mobile screens. 02 percent.