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The Goldmoney Community is a great place to securely share and connect with other people that are passionate about the same things you are!
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Join the Conversation The Goldmoney Community is a great place to securely share and connect with other people that are passionate about the same things you are! Your personal information is never shared with anyone. May in About Goldmoney. I convinced a friend to open a free account here, but he is having trouble convincing his wife to deposit money. What do you think is the best simple resource I can print out to give her, to explain to her what BitGold is all about? May Accepted Answer. I think this video is great to help understanding to someone who dont know anything about gold why it is important to invest in gold It's basic but it help May edited May Accepted Answer.
Uvas There has been a lot of articles written but I like this article the best for an explanation of BitGold. What is Bitgold in a Nutshell? From this link you can select whatever currency type you want to compare. I have inserted a CAD currency example. Gold is the ultimate savings over time. Uvas As a lady I know what a lady wants. If I am in that scenario, I will bring with me BitGold physical Gold exchange with her husband for cash and let the wife keep the gold.
The husband will then be freely having a green light to open BitGold account. This is simple bait and psychologically and emotionally lady always need prove not a blank presentation.
Presentation will come later once the proved is there. He is always on message, calm, and articulate. Uvas Or the latest KPI https: Thanks guys I should just give her the link to this page lol Uvas I agree with "the link to this page". Uvas BigD rohanibuang61 79Au Wow great answers everybody!
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