Script Interpreter

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This module implements an interpreter for the Bitcoin Script language. The link points to a good documentation and I will just mention the main charateristics of this language. For more details, refer to the link. Bitcoin script is a stack based primary arithmetic language. There are operators to push data to the stack and to perform operations on the elements of the stack. The stack is made of arbitrary long binary strings. When used for math operations, these byte strings are considered little endian big integers.

It is therefore non Turing complete and program execution time is bounded. Besides the classic operators, it has cryptographic functions such as hashing operators and signature verification. When a transaction produces Outputs, they bitcoin script interpreter a bitcoin script interpreter and a script.

The later is similar to a program split in two. To spend the output, one must provide the other half of the program so that the full program executes successfully.

Another way to see it is to consider the output as a challenge and the spending transaction as the answer to the challenge. Most of the transactions use the Pay-To-PubHash script. The script has a 20 byte long hash value. The spending transaction must provide a pub key that hashes to the given value and a signature that matches both the pub key and the transaction content. However, many other scripts exist even though only a few are considered standard.

Standard scripts have been created to fulfill a particular use case and are recognized by the core client. The later will not relay transactions that contain non standard scripts.

This node does not care and will relay anything that validates successfully. This part of Bitcoin has a few special cases that are due to bugs or bug fixes. I will mention their impact as I walk through the code. P2SH is quite odd. The script itself is half the story. It is first verified normally like any other script but then if the evaluator recognizes a special script pattern and he will do something completely different.

It is as if the program said print hello but then starts calculating pi. Anyway, the idea is that the signing script gives the signatures but also the pub bitcoin script interpreter that it is signing.

Normally, you would have two scripts that once stitched together form a program. P2SH has a script inside a script. That script is provided as data pushed into the stack but then that data is then poped and evaluated. Once again BIP is strange and I just scratched the surface.

For more information refer to its specification. Signature verification is one of the most expensive steps in verification. It is significantly faster. However, it may have incompatibilities. The stack is implemented as a. Its bitcoin script interpreter are native byte arrays. The signature is applied on a given document. Instead of signing the entire document, one first calculates a hash of the document and signs the hash. Bitcoin has a specific way to create the hash and it depends on a few parameters.

These functions are used when integers are put into the stack. They must be converted to byte[]. It's using variable length byte strings in 1-complement bitcoin script interpreter. Therefore there is positive 0 and negative 0. The interpreter takes a transaction hashing function at construction. When the function is applied, the index of the input matters and will not give the same hash. They pull a certain number of elements from the stack, apply a function and then push the result back to the stack.

The number of arguments and the nature of the operation varies with the helper. This function parses the script quickly and identifies the data parts. The predicate is evaluated on the data part and bitcoin script interpreter it returns true, the data is removed from the script. Surprisingly, there are a few places where the standard dictates this behavior. Because a signature cannot be signed, the algorithm always removes any occurence of the signature before passing the script to the hashing function.

They are expensive to execute and without a limit can bitcoin script interpreter used to make the node overwork. It's an anti-DoS measure bitcoin script interpreter is quite painful to check in practice as every script must be checked even if the tx output is never spent. The signature hash type is the last byte of the signature and is always removed from it. Then any occurence of the signature itself is removed from the pub script before the tx hash is calculated.

In a multi sig, every pub key is checked against the signatures and then discarded. Eventually, all the signatures must match a pub key. Because of this order of evaluation, signatures have to be provided in the same order as the pub keys. It's the main eval loop using tail recursion. The eval function reads one byte from the program and decide if it's data or instruction. If it's data, one or more bytes are then bitcoin script interpreter.

If it's instruction, it's always a single byte. It's an important trick. They can nest so the logic must accomodate that. The parser keeps a state variable skipping which tells bitcoin script interpreter whether instructions and push data must be skipped or not. On a IF, the current value of skipping is pushed on a 'if' stack and if the parser is not currently skipping, the top of the stack is read.

Same thing happens on an else. The parser knows that by peeking at the top of the if-stack. These do various permutations of bitcoin script interpreter stack element and other simple stack manipulation. The parser also maintains a alt-stack but it is cleared between the parts of the script evaluation. After the P2SH script is evaluated normally, the stack is cleared. The signature script is then bitcoin script interpreter and the last stack element poped from it. It becomes the new script to evaluate successfully.

Toggle navigation Bitcoin F. Bitcoin Elliptic Bitcoin script interpreter secpk1 1: Other op codes are implemented but are seldom used. I left their numeric value in the code. DecodePoint pub, ecDomain signer. Add v member x. Count - 1 v member x.

Add v Compute the signature hash Bitcoin script interpreter signature is applied on a given document. After that, changing a single byte of the transaction invalidates the signature. In the last case, bitcoin script interpreter the outputs except the one with bitcoin script interpreter same index as the input signature are blanked.

It means that all the outputs can be changed except one. Another type of signature where the inputs are blanked giving a signature that remains valid even if more inputs are added later.

The signing process is described here. PrevOutPointsubScripttx. PrevOutPointscripttxIn. Length for txOut in tx. ToArray dsha data Stack element conversion These functions are used when integers are put into the stack. Copy bytesbbytes. Count - n - depth checkMaxDepth Operators on stack elements They pull a certain number of elements from the stack, apply a function and then push the result back to the stack.

Push let binaryOp f: Push let logicalOp f: Push let binaryBoolOp f: Push let tertiaryOp f: Push let hashOp f: Push Remove data that matches a predicate This bitcoin script interpreter parses the script quickly and identifies the data parts.

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All bitcoin transactions have scripts embedded into its inputs and outputs. The scripts use a very simple programming language, which is evaluated from left to right using a stack. The language is designed such that it guarantees all scripts will execute in a limited amount of time it is not Turing-Complete.

When a transaction is validated, the input scripts are concatenated with the output scripts and evaluated. To be valid, all transaction scripts must evaluate to true.

A good analogy for how this works is that the output scripts are puzzles that specify in which conditions can those bitcoins be spent. The input scripts provide the correct data to make those output scripts evaluate to true.

For more detailed information about the bitcoin scripting language, check the online reference on bitcoin's wiki. The Script object provides an interface to construct, parse, and identify bitcoin scripts. It also gives simple interfaces to create most common script types.

This class is useful if you want to create custom input or output scripts. In other case, you should probably use Transaction. This is the most commonly used transaction output script. It's used to pay to a bitcoin address a bitcoin address is a public key hash encoded in base58check. Pay to public key scripts are a simplified form of the p2pkh, but aren't commonly used in new transactions anymore, because p2pkh scripts are more secure the public key is not revealed until the output is spent.

Multisig outputs allow to share control of bitcoins between several keys. When creating the script, one specifies the public keys that control the funds, and how many of those keys are required to sign off spending transactions to be valid.

An output with N public keys of which M are required is called an m-of-n output For example, 2-of-3, 3-of-5, 4-of-4, etc. Note that regular multisig outputs are rarely used nowadays. Pay to script hash outputs are scripts that contain the hash of another script, called redeemScript.

To spend bitcoins sent in a p2sh output, the spending transaction must provide a script matching the script hash and data which makes the script evaluate to true. This allows to defer revealing the spending conditions to the moment of spending. It also makes it possible for the receiver to set the conditions to spend those bitcoins. Most multisig transactions today use p2sh outputs where the redeemScript is a multisig output. Data outputs are used to push data into the blockchain.

Up to 40 bytes can be pushed in a standard way, but more data can be used, if a miner decides to accept the transaction. To create a custom Script instance, you must rely on the lower-level methods add and prepend. Both methods accept the same parameter types, and insert an opcode or data at the beginning prepend or end add of the Script.

Script has an easy interface to parse raw scripts from the network or bitcoind, and to extract useful information. An illustrative example for more options check the API reference.

To validate a transaction, the bitcoin network validates all of its inputs and outputs. To validate an input, the input's script is concatenated with the referenced output script, and the result is executed. If at the end of execution the stack contains a 'true' value, then the transaction is valid. You can do this in bitcore by using the Interpreter class.

The entry point and probably the only interface you'll need for most applications is the method Interpreter verify. Note that verify expects two scripts: This is because different conditions are checked for each. Bitcoin transactions contain scripts.

Each input has a script called the scriptSig, and each output has a script called the scriptPubkey. If at the end of execution the stack contains a "true" value, then the transaction is valid. Verifies a Script by executing it and returns true if it is valid. This function needs to be provided with the scriptSig and the scriptPubkey separately. Based on bitcoind's EvalScript function, with the inner loop moved to Interpreter. Checks a locktime parameter with the transaction's locktime.

There are two times of nLockTime: See the corresponding code on bitcoin core: Based on the inner loop of bitcoind's EvalScript function bitcoind commit: A bitcoin transaction script. Each transaction's inputs and outputs has a script that is evaluated to validate it's spending. Retrieve the associated data for this script. In the case of a pay to public key hash or P2SH, return the hash.

Script - this script instance. Script - a new pay to script hash script that pays to this script. Address boolean - the associated address for this script if possible, or false. Analogous to bitcoind's FindAndDelete. Find and delete equivalent chunks, typically used with push data chunks. Note that this will find and delete not just the same data, but the same data with the same push data op as produced by default.

Script - a new Multisig output script for given public keys, requiring m of those public keys to spend. A new P2SH Multisig input script for the given public keys, requiring m of those public keys to spend. Script - a new pay to public key hash output for the given address or public key. Script - a new pay to public key output for the given public key. Script - new pay to script hash script for given script. Script - an empty script. Script - an output script built from the address.