Bitcoin Goes BOOM! $30B In One Hour, Altcoins Take Off, EOS, Ripple, Fundamentals - Ep182
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Today we discuss the cryptocurrency market and the good news coming out from australia. If you're hodling ripple, bitcoin, litecoin, eos or cardano. You Can also show this for your friend and you will get more bitcoin, up to you. Zaid Check out Apollo. I subscribe to Top Tech Services he gives you all the info there it looks very promising. Give it a look. Hey bro, you think today's AGLE news is positive or a bit of mix? Looks somehow positive, so that's why it went up at the beginning although there was also a conf.
I was surfing the internet one day and came across this amazing video. The whole reason why crypto was invented was financial sovereignty. Government monitoring is what we have with Facebook and IN-vid today. You end up with things like Cambridge Analytica and people like Mark Zuckerberg will be saying stuff like "As platform providers and custodians of your data we have the right to delve into your transaction history and sell it to our partners".
This is not a world I want. Regulation from governments in tech is always a bad thing. Because they never include the actual tech experts, they include academics with vested interest in the corporate monopolies that are already starting to establish themselves in this space. If they were consulting crypto tech and trading veterans on how to proceed with these regulations, then sure, but they never do, Same was the case with hacking and people like Kevin Mitnick.
They locked him up in Federal prison for 5 years before even giving him a trail! Kevin is not unique either, thousands of aspergers geeks who love to play with the technology and didn't once steel from people got penalized during that time.
I call it the middle ages of the dotcom boom. There will be a middle ages of the Blockchain boom too if they don't start consulting existing investors and tech experts. Ok, but these Wales keep pulling it down so?
Dan Anthony just wait until the really big whales come in, and come in they will as soon as crypto gets better regulation. Then volume will exponentially grow and so will value. This bear market has been a challenge. Good stuff Zaid as always. Thanks for keeping us informed. I've got people laughing at me because I've invested crypto. Some even yelling at me telling me how stupid I am. This ride is a true test in human nature on both sides of the fence.
You are awesome and love all your video!!! Just found you and love your enthusiasm. Great positive attitude and very nice job of bringing good news.
I am now a subscriber and look forward to future videos. I am a hodler of ripple, litecoin, and cardano, among others. Thanks for mentioning them in your title. I will be hodling when I see you next time Finally at 7K but been here since 5. You were at 6. Ovidiu Rusu - Dulci ca si o ciocolata Audio Oficial What is EOS in a Nutshell.