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Take your zealotry elsewhere. I want to talk about the effect that the launch of Bitcoin futures trading may have on Bitcoin. In case you missed it, the CME announced the imminent launch of Bitcoin futures. The cliff notes are:. I am not an expert in Bitcoin, but I am pretty well versed in the concept of arbitrage, which is a constant across asset classes. The easier that mechanism is, the easier the arbitrage is to perform, and the less we should expect the futures to trade out of whack with the spot BTC.
Again, for more on this, see the whole post I wrote years ago. So how easy will it be to trade the Bitcoin settlement price? When the price of the future BTC-F exceeds ie: Are you with me so far? How about excess supply of BTC-F? If everyone wants to sell BTC-F, and the futures trade cheap to their fair value, the arbitrageur will need to buy the futures and sell BTC.
This might not be quite so easy: Thus, it seems likely that the arbitrage is more readily executable in one direction: I guess that remains to be seen. Reality, I am guessing, will prove to be the opposite. If an evil cartel wished to sell BTC-F relentlessly with no regard for profit, either the futures would trade cheap to fair value, or at some point arbitrageurs would step in and try to right the mispricing putting pressure on the underlying BTC: I am guessing that many arbs are already long BTC currently, and if the price is right they could buy the futures and sell their BTC.
So could this crush the price of Bitcoin? Maybe, temporarily , until expiration — then what happens? Either 1 the evil cartel buys back their short BTC futures, in which case the arbitrageur will now be in position to sell BTC-F and buy BTC, reversing the initial downward price impact, or 2 the evil cartel lets his manipulative short futures expire: Kid Dynamite is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.
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This blog has morphed from a discussion of poker hands and theory into an evaluation of financial markets from the point of view of a former trader. This material is provided for informational purposes only, as of the date hereof, and is subject to change without notice. This material may not be suitable for all investors and is not intended to be an offer, or the solicitation of any offer, to buy or sell any securities.
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