Bitcoin Billionaire
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You have two ways to do so, and a whole hell of a lot of ways that you can lose huge chunks of your income, making the game more difficult than it might seem at first. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to excel at this game. You can tap with one finger, but two fingers are better, and four fingers are even better than that. The game reads up to two fingers on the screen at the same time, so the best way to go is to alternate two fingers on each hand, as fast as you can.
Anything more and your taps will get missed by the screen. Each upgrade to your Bitminer will bitcoin billionaire hack apks the value per tap. This, of course, is one of the most important upgrades. Each investment increases the amount of bits that you earn per second.
You can buy an unlimited amount of each individual investment, but of course, it gets more expensive every time for more of the same investment. Go for the most value for the dollar as possible, and move to the next tier of investments as quickly as possible.
You can earn up to 25 total out of the Amazon boxes every day, and once you earn them, you have to bitcoin billionaire hack apks until the next day to open the rest of your 25 Hyperbits. After that, every box will contain a bunch of bitcoins as usual, or a coin blast. Every single achievement in the game is worthwhile, because they will fill your total achievement percentage bar, and as you fill up that bar you will earn free hyperbits. The more achievements you complete, and the more levels five each of each achievement, the more hyperbits that you have a shot at earning.
Go into the menu and then go into bitcoin billionaire hack apks Store tab. All kinds of options for stuff to do for free hyperbits will pop up. This includes following the game on Twitter or liking on Facebook, inviting friends daily, enabling push notifications, or watching a video to learn about Bitcoins in real life.
Go to the Supercharge tab and you can spend hyperbits and real life money for some good bonuses. You can double coin earning or daily Hyperbit unboxing forever with 5 bitcoin billionaire hack apks each, or get a gigantic tap speed or investment bonus for 15 Hyperbits each.
The Autominer is decent, and auto taps 10x a second when you hold your finger down on the screen, for two dollars. You can go to the store and exchange your hyperbits directly for bitcoins. The total that you can earn this way changes depending on what level your investments and bitminer are at, or bitcoin billionaire hack apks this option would be pretty much worthless.
You can pay 50 Hyperbits, or two days worth of free ones, in order to adopt a cat. Not only does the cat get along perfectly with your dog, but that triggers the earning of a coin bonus that lasts forever until you reset the game.
Tap on the FizzPow button in the upper left hand corner of the screen and all of the bitcoin billionaire hack apks that scrolls by in the marquee will pop up on bitcoin billionaire hack apks. You can scroll through from one story to the other. Bitcoin Billioner top 10 Hacks. Read on for the top 10 tips and tricks for Bitcoin Billionaire: Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.