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Capitalized terms used herein but not defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Agreement. You may only use the Services to store, retrieve, query, serve, and execute Your Content that is owned, licensed or lawfully obtained by you. As part of the Services, you may be allowed to use certain software including related documentation provided by us or third party licensors.
This software is neither sold nor distributed to you and you may use it solely as part of the Services. You may not transfer it outside the Services without specific authorization to do so. You must comply with the current technical documentation applicable to the Services including the applicable developer guides as posted by us and updated by us from time to time on the AWS Site.
In addition, if you create technology that works with a Service, you must comply with the current technical documentation applicable to that Service including the applicable developer guides as posted by us and updated by us from time to time on the AWS Site. You will provide information or other materials related to Your Content including copies of any client-side applications as reasonably requested by us to verify your compliance with the Agreement.
We may monitor the external interfaces e. You will not block or interfere with our monitoring, but you may use encryption technology or firewalls to help keep Your Content confidential. You will reasonably cooperate with us to identify the source of any problem with the Services that we reasonably believe may be attributable to Your Content or any end user materials that you control.
If you do not remove or disable access to the Prohibited Content within 2 business days of our notice, we may remove or disable access to the Prohibited Content or suspend the Services to the extent we are not able to remove or disable access to the Prohibited Content. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we may remove or disable access to any Prohibited Content without prior notice in connection with illegal content, where the content may disrupt or threaten the Services, pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act or as required to comply with law or any judicial, regulatory or other governmental order or request.
In the event that we remove content without prior notice, we will provide prompt notice to you unless prohibited by law. We may stop accepting new sign-ups or discontinue a Special Pricing Program at any time. Standard charges will apply after a Special Pricing Program ends or if you exceed the limitations by the Special Pricing Program. You must comply with any additional terms, restrictions, or limitations e. You may not access or use the Services in a way intended to avoid any additional terms, restrictions, or limitations e.
Any data stored or instances provided as part of a Special Pricing Program must be actively used. If we make multiple discounts or pricing options for a Service available to you at one time, you will only be eligible to receive one discount or pricing option, and will not be entitled to cumulative discounting and pricing options.
You will ensure that all information you provide to us via the AWS Site for instance, information provided in connection with your registration for the Services, requests for increased usage limits, etc. We agree to use reasonable efforts to provide you with prior notice of any scheduled Maintenance except for emergency Maintenance and you agree to use reasonable efforts to comply with any Maintenance requirements that we notify you about.
In the event there is a conflict between the terms of this Section 1. You agree not to allow access to or use of any Beta Service, Service Offerings in any Beta Region or Beta Materials by any third party other than your employees and contractors who i have a need to use or access the Beta Service, Service Offerings in the Beta Region or Beta Materials in connection with your internal evaluation activities, and ii have executed written non-disclosure agreements obligating them to protect the confidentiality of non-public information regarding the Beta Service, Beta Region and Beta Materials.
AWS may add or modify restrictions, including lowering or raising any usage limits, related to access to or use of any Beta Service, Service Offerings in any Beta Region or Beta Materials at any time.
AWS will use reasonable efforts to notify you in advance of scheduled maintenance, but AWS is unable to provide advance notice of unscheduled or emergency maintenance. AWS will own and may use and evaluate all Test Observations for its own purposes.
You will not use any Test Observations except for your internal evaluation purposes of the Beta Service or Beta Region. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement or these Services Terms, either you or AWS may terminate your participation in a Beta Service or Service Offering in a Beta Region at any time for any reason upon notice to the other party.
If AWS releases a generally available version of a Beta Service or a Service Offering in a Beta Region, your access to and use of the generally available version will be subject to the Agreement and any separate Section of these Service Terms as may be specified for that generally available Service Offering.
If any Beta Region becomes generally available, your access to and use of Service Offerings in the generally available AWS region will be subject to the terms and conditions applicable to that AWS region. AWS does not guarantee that any Beta Service or Service Offering in any Beta Region will ever be made generally available, or that any generally available version will contain the same or similar functionality as the version made available by AWS during the term of the Beta Service or Beta Region, as applicable.
AWS does not guarantee that any Beta Region will become generally available. You will not disclose including, but not limited to, in a press release or public statement any Beta Materials, Test Observations, Suggestions concerning a Beta Service, or any other information about or involving including the existence of any Beta Service, except as agreed by AWS in writing.
Because the Beta Services and Materials involve features, technologies and services that are not yet generally available, you acknowledge that any violation of this Section 1. You therefore agree that AWS will have the right, in addition to its other rights and remedies, to seek injunctive relief for any violation of this Section 1. You must own or have all necessary rights to use any domain name or SSL certificate that you use in conjunction with Amazon CloudFront.
You are solely responsible for the renewal, security and proper configuration of any SSL certificates that you provide for use with Amazon CloudFront, including any disclosure of your SSL certificates to third parties. If you use other Services to store the original version of Your Content, you are responsible for the separate fees you accrue for the other Services and for Amazon CloudFront.
While you will only be charged fees specified for the selected Price Class, Your Content you select for delivery from edge locations in a Price Class may from time to time be served from edge locations located outside the regions in that Price Class.
You may not knowingly create and maintain inactive queues. We may delete, without liability of any kind, any of Your Content that sits in an Amazon SQS queue or any Amazon SQS queue that remains inactive for more than the number of days specified in the user documentation.
If you choose to use the Microsoft Software, Microsoft and its licensors require that you agree to these additional terms and conditions:. Using Third Party Software. In conjunction with the Services, you may be allowed to use certain software including related support, maintenance, and documentation developed, owned or provided by third parties or their licensors. Use of third party software is subject to these additional terms and conditions:. Unless you specify a permissible alternative termination date, your Spot Instance Request will remain active until the earlier of the following: While a requested Spot Instance remains running, you will be charged the current Spot Price in effect at the beginning of each instance hour.
We may terminate, stop, or hibernate Spot Instances at any time and without any notice to you if we determine the current Spot Price equals or exceeds Your Maximum Price if specified or for AWS capacity requirements. Spot Instances purchased as Spot Blocks may still be terminated for AWS capacity requirements and will terminate at the conclusion of the fixed duration.
Unless you designate your Spot Instance Request as a persistent request, terminated, stopped or hibernated Spot Instances may not automatically restart. You should save your work frequently and test your application to ensure it is fault tolerant and will correctly handle interruptions. We have no liability whatsoever for any damages, liabilities, losses including any corruption, deletion, or destruction or loss of data, applications or profits , or any other consequences resulting from our termination, stoppage, or hibernation of any Spot Instance.
You may not, directly, indirectly, alone or in cooperation with any third party, attempt to control, influence or manipulate the price for Spot Instances. Without limiting the foregoing, you may not submit requests for Spot Instances through any third party e. We may modify or terminate the Spot Instance Pricing program at any time. In addition to the Spot Instance Pricing, Spot Instances are subject to all data transfer and other usage fees applicable under the Agreement.
EC2 Reserved Instance Pricing. If this happens, you may: EC2 Reserved Instances are noncancellable and you will owe the EC2 Reserved Instance Pricing for the duration of the term you selected, even if the Agreement is terminated.
All amounts paid in connection with the EC2 Reserved Instances are nonrefundable, except that if we terminate the Agreement other than for cause, terminate an individual EC2 Reserved Instance type, or terminate the EC2 Reserved Instance Pricing program, we will refund you a pro rata portion of any up-front fee paid in connection with any previously designated EC2 Reserved Instances.
You may not purchase EC2 Reserved Instances for the purpose of reselling them in the RI Marketplace, and we reserve the right to refuse or cancel your purchase if we suspect you are doing so. Upon expiration or termination of the term of EC2 Reserved Instances, the EC2 Reserved Instance pricing will expire and standard on-demand usage prices will apply to the instances. You may not resell an EC2 Reserved Instance that you purchased through a discount program Reserved Instance Volume Discounts or otherwise without obtaining our prior approval.
The hourly price will be the then-current hourly price for that type of EC2 Reserved Instance, and you will not receive any funds collected from payments associated with the hourly prices. Your Marketable EC2 Reserved Instance will be available for sale after you list it in the RI Marketplace, but it will remain yours and you will be able to use it until it is sold. Except as expressly set forth in these Service Terms, we are not involved in any underlying transaction between you and any Buyer.
We or our affiliates may also participate in the market as a Seller or a Buyer. Processing of Transactions; Collection of Transaction Proceeds. You will ensure that all fees and charges payable by Buyers for Marketable EC2 Reserved Instance are billed and collected through us and you will not offer or establish any alternative means of payment.
We may impose transaction limits on some or all Buyers and Sellers relating to the value of any Transaction or disbursement, the cumulative value of all Transactions or disbursements during a period of time, or the number of Transactions that we will process over a period of time.
We may withhold for investigation, or refuse to process, any of your Transactions that we suspect is fraudulent, unlawful or otherwise violates the terms of these Service Terms, the Agreement, or our Acceptable Use Policy.
For each Transaction, we will not remit Transaction Proceeds to a Seller, and the Marketable EC2 Reserved Instance will be available to the Buyer, until after we have successfully processed payments for that Transaction from the Buyer.
Remittance of Transaction Proceeds to Sellers. At the end of each business day, we will pay to you all due and payable Transaction Proceeds that we have collected as of the date that is 2 business days prior to the date of payment. We will deduct from each payment any applicable fees and charges due to us related to Marketable EC2 Reserved Instances. The applicable fees and charges are posted on the AWS Site and may be changed from time to time.
We may withhold, deduct, or setoff any amounts payable by you to us or our affiliates against any Transaction Proceeds. Payments will be made only to an ACH-enabled bank account located in the United States that you register with us. If there is an error in the processing of any Transaction, you authorize us to initiate debit or credit entries to your designated bank account, to correct such error, provided that any such correction is made in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
If we are unable to debit your designated bank account for any reason, you authorize us to resubmit the debit, plus any applicable fees, to any other bank account or payment instrument that you have on file with us or to deduct the debit and applicable fees from future Transaction Proceeds.
We are not obliged to determine whether any Taxes apply to any Transaction, and we are not responsible for remitting Taxes to any taxing authority with respect to any Transaction, or for reporting any information including the payment of Taxes with respect to any Transaction.
Data Collection and Sharing. For each Seller, we will collect the necessary data and tax forms to enable compliance with applicable tax laws. For example, for U. Buyers and Sellers will not know the name of the other party to the Transaction until the Transaction is completed. For example, you may not, directly or indirectly: EC2 Dedicated Host Reservations are nontransferable. All amounts paid in connection with the EC2 Dedicated Host Reservations are nonrefundable, except that if we terminate the Agreement other than for cause, terminate an individual EC2 Dedicated Host type, or terminate the EC2 Dedicated Host Reservation Pricing program, we will refund you a pro rata portion of any up-front fee paid in connection with any previously designated EC2 Dedicated Host Reservation.
Unless otherwise specified in your agreement s with Microsoft, you can use this benefit only if you comply with the requirements here , and you a use Dedicated Instances or Dedicated Hosts; b launch from Virtual Machines VMs sourced from software binaries provided by you; and c run the instances within your designated AWS regions.
You agree that you have determined that your use of the BYOL Program will comply with the applicable Microsoft licensing requirements. Usage of the Services in violation of your agreement s with Microsoft is not authorized or permitted. We have no liability whatsoever for any damages, liabilities, losses including any corruption, deletion, or destruction or loss of data, applications or profits , or any other consequences resulting from the foregoing. We reserve the right to update or modify the FPS Specifications at any time.
Prior to making Your Content generally available for commercial use, you will thoroughly test Your Content to ensure that it operates properly with Amazon FPS, including without limitation that it complies with the FPS Specifications. We may review and test Your Content to confirm that it operates properly with Amazon FPS and complies with the FPS Specifications, using review and test processes determined in our sole discretion.
You agree to correct any material errors, defects or other non-compliance of which you become aware, including from review and test results provided by us. In addition to the limitations described in the Agreement, any use of the Amazon Payments logo and trademark is subject to the trademark usage guidelines issued by Amazon Payments.
You will indemnify and reimburse Amazon Payments and its affiliates against any claim or demand for payment of any such taxes or any Chargebacks.