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Options traders like to stay abreast of market news and opportunities. They want to manage their accounts and trading activities quickly and easily with apps that they can access on smartphones and tablets, as well as on personal computers.
Below are a few apps that cater to the needs of option trading investors. One of the highest rated apps for options traders, and free to all TradeStation brokerage clients, is TradeStation Mobile. The app allows options traders to view a large variety of option contracts with different strike prices and expiration dates. Traders can also access up-to-date information on options chains , run options analysis and view charts with a variety of technical indicators.
Trading account, as well as order and open positions information is readily available, and traders can input new orders and change or cancel existing orders through the app. Users can set up trade alerts to monitor price changes , volume or other indicators. The TradeStation Mobile app is a full-service financial trading app that offers access to trading stocks, futures, stocks and futures options, and forex trading.
Stock Option Quotes gives options traders a complete app for options-related quotes and news, rather than active trading and account management capabilities.
Stock Option Quotes offers investors an easy-to-use stock and stock index option tracking tool for the U. At a glance, traders can look at a variety of call and put options with various strike prices and expirations, and view options information for individual stocks, stock indexes and exchange-traded funds ETFs from the major U.
Chart views of stocks and indexes are available. The menu is customizable, giving traders the ability to add, remove and prioritize the option listings that they want to follow. The Stock Option Simulator for iPhone is a useful app for running projections on various options prior to investing.
It is a relatively simple application that offers an options trader the ability to utilize stochastic modeling to show projected payoffs of a stock option over its life span until its expiration, displaying the results in the form of a histogram. The app allows traders to consider a wide variety of 20 different put and call option types and strategies, such as option straddles, collars , spreads, and covered call or put options.
This app was specifically developed to be an all-in-one market news and price quote application for virtually every financial market. It, therefore, allows traders to stay updated on market news and price quotes for stock, futures and forex options.
Users of this app can enter any specific option they wish to track. The app includes access to up-to-date market news and analysis, along with stock, bond, commodity, and forex price information and charting.
In addition, it offers a large number of company analysis features, including more than 30 key profitability metrics and other financial ratios. This Android app is one of the most highly rated apps for traders with a specific interest in binary options.
The app tracks stocks and indexes, commodity futures and the forex market to create a variety of binary options trading signals. These include signals from technical analysis and from social media trends. The app generates social media trend signals from a large database of social media commentary, pegged with keywords, which is then analyzed to generate trading signals.
The app also provides live price quotes for binary options on stocks, indexes, futures and forex. While the app itself does not offer trading, it does provide connections to several online brokers that offer options trading, stock, futures and forex trading, as well as contract for difference CFD trading. Stock Option Quotes Stock Option Quotes gives options traders a complete app for options-related quotes and news, rather than active trading and account management capabilities. Stock Option Simulator The Stock Option Simulator for iPhone is a useful app for running projections on various options prior to investing.
AzFinance App This app was specifically developed to be an all-in-one market news and price quote application for virtually every financial market. Trusted Binary Options Signals This Android app is one of the most highly rated apps for traders with a specific interest in binary options.